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What are the different dimensionality reduction methods in machine learning?

Dr Dilek Celik

In machine learning, there are a variety of methods for reducing dimensionality, but broadly, they can be categorized into two types: feature selection and feature extraction.

Feature Selection

Feature selection methods aim to choose a subset of the most relevant features from the data. Key approaches include:

  • L1 Regularization (such as in logistic regression), which promotes sparsity by shrinking less important features to zero.

  • Variance Thresholding, which removes features with low variance.

  • Recursive Feature Elimination using the weights from linear models to iteratively eliminate the least important features.

  • Random Forests or Extra Trees, where feature importance is assessed by the average information gain.

  • Sequential Forward/Backward Selection, which sequentially adds or removes features to improve model performance.

  • Genetic Algorithms and Exhaustive Search, which systematically search for the optimal feature subset.

Feature Extraction

Feature extraction, on the other hand, transforms data into a lower-dimensional space, creating new features that capture essential patterns. Examples include:

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA), an unsupervised method that identifies axes of maximum variance while ensuring they are orthogonal.

  • Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), a supervised technique that finds axes that best separate classes, also maintaining orthogonality.

  • Kernel PCA, which applies the “kernel trick” to separate non-linear data by transforming it into a higher-dimensional space.

  • Supervised PCA and various other non-linear transformation methods, like Locally Linear Embedding (LLE), can also be effective.

Choosing the Right Method

As with many areas in machine learning, there is no universally superior technique, often called the “No Free Lunch” principle. The best choice depends on the data. For instance, while LDA might be better suited for a linear classification task, empirical evidence sometimes shows otherwise. Similarly, kernel PCA can separate concentric circles but struggles with more complex shapes like the “Swiss Roll,” where a method like LLE may perform better.

In summary, selecting the optimal dimensionality reduction method requires understanding both the dataset and the specific goals of the analysis.

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